If you have field engineers & technicians that have to start their working day by going to a base or central hub to collect parts and tools, your business is not running efficiently. Research has shown that business that operate in this way loose annually upto £8,000 in wages, £1,100 in travel costs and upto 520 hours in work time for each engineer that has to return to base for parts. If your engineer is travelling to and from a central hub they are not productively engaged in earning money for your business.
At GenRev (UK) Ltd. offer an efficient, fast and reliable through the night, just in time and in boot logistics service. Our services improve the efficiency of businesses with on site field engineers and technicians, by delivering the parts & tools directly to them. Ensuring that they have the parts necessary to do their work prior to the start of the working day. We also offer a return to base service that collects unused parts & tools and delivers them back to your central hub. These services can result in a 30% increase in the daily productivity of each engineer in your business.